Monday, September 30, 2019

Masculinity: Slavery in the United States Essay

Things Fall Apart was written in the 1890s, when whites went to Nigeria. The novel shows the clash between the white’s and the culture of the Igbo people. The novel is about a man named Okonkwo, and his growth for respect, fortune and power which in the end leads to his expected death. His great power did not come to an end because of colonization, but rather his downfall was his obsession with masculinity. The narrative of Frederick Douglass also defines masculinity. The narrative of Frederick Douglass took place in America. During slavery, Frederick Douglass was limited to plantation work because blacks were not seen as being capable to achieve more in life but that did not stop him. Even though both men came from two different backgrounds, they both had a way of portraying their masculinity. There are many things in life that can either make us successful or leads us to failure. In things Fall Apart, Okonkwo’s feared he will become a failure like his father. He struggled to be as different from his deceased father as possible. He believes his father to have been â€Å"weak, effeminate, lazy, ignominious, and poor. Consequently, Okonkwo strives to be strong, masculine, industrious, respected, and wealthy† (pg 4). This drove him to recklessness, and added to his death. He began to let the thought of fear of failure and of weakness to control his life through the novel (pg 13). Okonkwo believed felling an emotion or showing one was a sign of weakness. He said, â€Å"’When did you become a shivering old woman, Okonkwo asked himself, you, who are known in all the nine villages for your valor in war? How can a man who has killed five men in battle fall to pieces because he has added a boy to their number? Okonkwo, you have become a woman indeed† (pg 65). He began to talk to himself so much about how weak he was becoming. It got to the point where he believed showing an emotion was a sign of weakness. In chapter twenty, Okonkwo had a conversation with Obierika and he felt as though whites have taken over their tradition and culture but Obierika explained to him that the whites did nothing to his people. His people betrayed their own. He says, â€Å"Obierika points out the impossibility of the colonialists understanding anything about the Umuofians without speaking their language. He points out the ludicrousness of denigrating unfamiliar customs. Yet, Obierika does not lay the blame wholly on the side of the white man. He feels also that the Umuofians who have converted to Christianity have consciously and wrongly turned their backs on their own â€Å"brothers† (pg 174-175). Another one of Okonkwo’s weaknesses was portrayed through the way he defined masculinity so narrowly. Even though Okonkwo was a part of a male-controlled society and the male gender was already established with great authority he still felt like he had to control everything as a man should do. He was scared to adapt to this change because he felt this will make him less of a man. He says, â€Å"The white man is very clever. He came quietly and peaceably with his religion. We were amused at his foolishness and allowed him to stay. Now he has won our brothers, and our clan can no longer act like one. He has put a knife on the things that held us together and we have fallen apart† (pg 176). He was not able to adapt to the clashing values of both societies and the changing ways around him. He could not accept the fact that in a colonized society he would be an average person, rather than a distinguished and powerful male. By adapting to his own idea of masculinity he rejected everything that his father stood for; cowardice, gentleness, and laziness. Okonkwo stood for bravery, courage, hard work, and at many times, felt violence was the only answer to his solution. Okonkwo lived in a patriarchal society where males dominated, and he took advantage of this authority. He associated masculinity with aggression and felt that anger was the only emotion that he should display. Frederick Douglass was a man who stood for what he believed without letting fear taking control of him. Likewise, Frederick Douglas was born in February 1818. â€Å"At the age of ten or eleven, Douglass is sent to live in Baltimore with Hugh and Sophia Auld. Douglass overhears a conversation between them and comes to understand that whites maintain power over black slaves by keeping them uneducated. Douglass resolves to educate himself and escape from slavery. Douglass struggles to free himself, mentally and physically, from slavery†. During this time, African Americans were very limited to do anything. All he wanted was freedom from slavery so he can feel like a man. Douglas was an abolitionist who was dedicated to learn. He was motivated to teach himself how to read and write because he did not want to be a slave for the rest of his life. Frederick Douglass was driven to succeed. Frederick Douglass was a slave at one point but gained his freedom through his education. He says, â€Å"What he most dreaded, that I most desired† (Douglass pg 19). Douglass knew his master did not want him to learn how to read and write, yet he was thirsty and attempted to better himself. Frederick Douglass is a man who had a lot of potential. Frederick Douglass saw the cultural differences between blacks and whites, yet he still focused on his goals and motivated himself. Even though Douglas knew that whites had the mentality that â€Å"They were better than blacks,† he still focused on his goals. Frederick Douglas never looked down on education because he knew what the outcome of his goal would bring. Moreover, Frederick Douglass was a self-motivated man who wanted to have freedom. He claims, â€Å"When I was sent of errands, I always took my book with me, and by going one part of my errand quickly, I found time to get a lesson before my return† (Douglass pg 22). With Douglass ambition, he was ready to get his freedom without thinking about the consequences because he knew his hard work will pay off one day. Frederick Douglass is the definition of a man and a leader because he was honest, straightforward, inspiring, and competent. Many great men have come and gone but Frederick Douglass will always have a great influence on many generations because of his drive to get his freedom and education. Education is something one needs. It will be hard for many to function through life without an education and he showed anyone can do it if they put their mind to it. There were many differences between Okonkwo and Frederick Douglass but both men had a purpose in life as men and I believed they both accomplished what they were looking for even though ones went better than the other. Okonkwo’s demise was not because of colonization, but rather his downfall was attributed by his obsession with masculinity. The narrative of Frederick Douglass was the definition of masculinity.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Inquiry learning Essay

Introduction Discovery learning or Inquiry Learning has a long history in education and has regained popularity over the last decade as a result of changes in the field of education that put more emphasis on the role of the learner in the learning process. Zachos, Hick, Doane, and Sargent define discovery learning as â€Å"the self-attained grasp of a phenomenon through building and testing concepts as a result of inquiry of the phenomenon. † The definition emphasizes that it is the learner who builds concepts, that the concepts need to be tested, and that building and testing of concepts are part of the inquiry of the phenomenon. Computer simulations have rich potential to provide learners with opportunities to build and test concepts, and learning with these computer simulations is also referred to as simulation-based discovery learning (Lester, Vicari, & Paraguacu, 2004). Students engaged in discussions – raising questions, resting ideas, challenging each other’s assertions – is at the heart of inquiry learning. Such discussions enable students to go beyond hands-on activities to interpret and reflect on their experiences and develop new ways of thinking. Reflecting their understanding of inquiry learning, the originators of network science aimed to have students in distant classrooms use the network to discuss science with one another like collaborating scientists (Feldman, 2000). Literature Review The main goal of discovery learning activity is to obtain and/or construct knowledge about a domain by performing experiments and inferring rules and properties of the domain from the results of those experiments. Research on discovery learning has shown that learners can experience a range of problems that can prevent successful learning. Discovery learning requires learners to act in the same manner as scientist when discovering the properties and relations of the domain that is simulated, using processes that are very similar to the processes of scientific discovery. Learners need to generate hypotheses, design experiments, predict their outcome, interpret data and reconsider hypotheses in order to construct knowledge about the domain. With each of these learning processes, problems can arise. Learners can fail to state testable hypotheses, design uninformative experiments or interpret experimental results badly (Gauthier, Frasson, & VanLehn, 2000). In order to make discovery learning successful, learners can be supported from within the learning environment. The learning environment can contain cognitive tools that can be directed at the support of one or more learning processes. Cognitive tools can offer support to the learner in several ways of support, creating a learning dialogue between the learning environment and the learner and at establishing the conditions under which profitable learning processes takes place. Cognitive tools play a role in supporting and provoking these learning processes (Gauthier et al. , 2000; McTighe & Wiggins, 2005). Like in discovery learning, the idea of simulation-based discovery learning is that the learner actively engages in a process. In an unguided simulation-based discovery environment learners have to set their own learning goals. At the same time they have to find and apply the methods that help to achieve these goals, which is not always easy. Two main goals can be associated with simulation-based discovery learning; development of knowledge about the domain of discovery, and development of skills that facilitate development of knowledge about the domain (Lester, Vicari, & Paraguacu, 2004). Those who read Guthrie, Cornford, Allen, and Bluck, among others, will find there what we might call the â€Å"traditional view. † According to this view, the paradox is a dilemma about one’s epistemic resources at the outset of inquiry and the role those resources play at the inquiry’s conclusion. The alternatives that the dilemma proposes are beginning with 1) total, explicit knowledge or 2) absolute ignorance. The doctrine of recollection provides the solution with its proposal that all inquiry begins with something intermediate between 1) and 2): latent, unconscious, or implicit knowledge. When these commentators speak of â€Å"total knowledge,† they seem to have in mind â€Å"self-consciously clear† or â€Å"conscious† knowledge (Anton & Preus, 1989). There are three points to be borne in mind in any discussion on learning by discovery. First, what is involved primarily is the learning of facts, concepts and principles rather than skills, techniques or sensitivities; and the subjects most relevant to discovery learning are mathematics, science and environmental studies. Second, it is usually associated with the traditional classroom, and third learning by discovery does not just happen; it comes about as a result of a particular teaching method or strategy. Numerous strategies can be distinguished in this connection; perhaps the most common one to be found is that of guided discovery (Manion, Morrison, & Cohen, 2004). Discovery or Inquiry must ultimately in the history of the race precede instruction; for if it’s this teacher who teaches from someone else who learned it from another teacher that cannot go back indefinitely. Somewhere in the knowledge that we pass on in the process of teaching, someone must have discovered it for himself. so we see, first of all, that learning by discovery is primary (Loucks-Horsley & Olson, 2000). Learning by instruction is secondary. And if this is so then we also see that teachers are, in an absolute sense, dispensable. For nothings which can be learned by instruction with teachers is impossible to learn without teachers. I don’t mean teachers aren’t useful; they are. For most of us would not be able to learn without the help of teachers or learn as rapidly or learn as easily the things we have to come to know in the course of our lifetime. But I do not mean that teachers are only helps. And this understanding of the teacher as an aid, as something which helps in the process of learning, is the deepest insight into the nature of teaching in relation to learning (Adler, 2000). Learning by instruction, learning with the help of teachers is no less active than learning by discovery or inquiry. Perhaps it would be better then, instead of saying learning by instruction and learning by discovery, to call them both learning by discovery; learning with a teacher as â€Å"aided discovery† and learning without a teacher, as â€Å"unaided discovery (Adler, 2000). Analysis Many network science projects have not lived up to their potential to involve students in productive inquiry. Firstly, the network science model of curriculum typically constraints classrooms by imposing rigid schedules for data submission and exchanges. The low level of completion for many network science projects – which, was less than 50% of classes in one project submitting data – may reflect teacher’s inability to fit the real lives of their classrooms, punctuated by school events and holidays and snowstorms, into the schedule demands of many network science projects (Feldman, 2000). Aiming to coordinate work among classes, many network science projects are constrained by centralized schedules. To refocus science learning on inquiry, teachers and students need flexible schedules to allow questions to be pursued in greater depth. Without such flexibility, the potential of the curriculum to support student inquiry is greatly diminished (Feldman, 2000). Secondly, network science encourages the use of scientific and social problems to spark learning, focusing on the importance of investigating questions for which the answer is not known. However, this emphasis on questions for which the answer is not known and the questions are of genuine interest to scientists excludes the possibility of students investigating concepts that may be well known to scientist but no longer of interest to them. Because such concepts are still unknown to students and potentially of great interest, they offer a scientific excursion through which students can reliably have successful and powerful learning experiences. For example, students might investigate phenomena as simple as why some objects float – a topic that is unlikely to be of any interest to scientists (Feldman, 2000). Inquiry learning, under appropriate conditions, is highly desirable; an elaborate pattern of ideas must be built up in a child’s head and only the child can built it; it is the teacher’s job to help the child to build up this elaborate structure of interrelated ideas, and to help the child correct the structure of interrelated ideas, and to help the child correct the structure whenever it is found to be in error (Solomon, 1988). By means of discovery learning we may reasonably expect children to learn something new; and to do so through some initiative of their own. Moreover, a teacher supports a child’s self-chosen activity with questions, commentary and suggestions (Manion et al. , 2004). Conclusion In this paper, we presented a view on combining collaborative learning and the discovery learning. The aim was to show how we can benefit from theoretical knowledge on discovery learning to enhance the added value that collaboration can have and, vice versa, how collaboration in itself can serve as support for the processes of discovery that learners can engage in. Mutual gain can be created from combining collaborative and discovery learning by increasing the mutual awareness in tools supporting either type of learning. Adding knowledge about discovery to collaborative tools can enhance collaborative tools to adapt themselves or give feedback on their contents. On the other hand, collaborative processes take the role of cognitive tools for discovery learning in making learning processes explicit. Of course the examples given in the paper are only a small part of what become possible combining two powerful paradigms of learning (Gauthier et al., 2000). In the latter part of the paper we show how a theory of discovery learning can help to design architecture for communicative support for discovery learning. A central place is taken by a common frame of reference that supports the communication between the different components in the architecture (Gauthier et al. , 2000). References: Adler, M. J. (2000). How to Think About the Great Ideas: From the Great Books of Western Civilization. Chicago and La Salle: Open Court Publishing. Anton, J. P. , & Preus, A. (1989). Essays in Ancient Greek Philosophy: Plato. New York: SUNY Press. Feldman, A. (2000). Network Science, a Decade Later: The Internet and Classroom Learning. Mahwah, New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Gauthier, G. , Frasson, C. , & VanLehn, K. (2000). Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Germany: Springer. Lester, J. C. , Vicari, R. M. , & Paraguacu, F. (2004). Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Berlin Heidelberg, NY: Springer. Loucks-Horsley, S. , & Olson, S. (2000). Inquiry and the National Science Education Standards: A Guide for Teaching and Learning. Washington DC: National Academies Press. Manion, L. , Morrison, K. R. B. , & Cohen, L. (2004). A Guide to Teaching Practice. London and New York: RoutledgeFalmer. McTighe, J. , & Wiggins, G. P. (2005). Understanding by Design. Virginia USA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Solomon, C. (1988). Computer Environments for Children: A Reflection on Theories of Learning and Education. Cambridge, Massachusetts; London, England: MIT Press.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The modern project management approach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

The modern project management approach - Essay Example Formal project management techniques were developed in USA in the 1960's as part of the early missile programmes. These techniques have since been used in almost every area of society, from government agencies to non-profit organisations, and from engineering companies to service industries (Wikipedia). The early project management phase began in the 1950s in the United States where, from an ad-hoc-basis use of 'Gantt Charts' and informal techniques and tools, it graduated to the use of two mathematical 'project management models' known as: (1) the "Program Evaluation and Review Technique" or PERT, developed as part of the United States Navy's Polaris missile submarine programme; and (2) the "Critical Path Method" (CPM) developed in a joint venture by both DuPont Corporation and Remington Rand Corporation for managing plant maintenance projects. These mathematical techniques quickly spread into many private enterprises. In 1969, the Project Management Institute (PMI) was established to help the project management industry to perform better. The PMI has been of the view that the tools and techniques of project management are common for all applications in projects from the software industry to the traditional construction industry. In 1981, the PMI brought out The Guide to the Proje ct Management Body of Knowledge, containing the standards and guidelines of practice that are widely used throughout the profession (Wikipedia). Generally, project management is distinguished from the general management of corporations by the mission-oriented nature of a project. A project organisation will generally be terminated when the mission is accomplished. According to the Project Management Institute, the discipline of project management can be defined as follows: 'Project management is the art of directing and coordinating human and material resources throughout the life of a project by

Friday, September 27, 2019

Poverty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Poverty - Essay Example The same case applies to her citizens (Geoffrey, 2004). When America as a country is able to see the real faces of poverty; she will be able to see the need for stepping in and helping the poor countries. The very first motivation will be for humanitarian reasons. Thus, just like individuals who give their money for charity, America will see the need that it has a moral duty to assist people who are in other countries and are suffering from the devastating effects of drought, famine, disease as well as war. America also being the world’s superpower ought to donate money for not only her political ambitions but also diplomatic ones. America definitely wants to sustain a dependency relationship with the recipient countries or rather to basically influence the direction as well as the government of a given country. The other main reason why seeing the real faces of poverty is important to America as a country and to Americans as individuals is for economic reasons .America may be interested in controlling the supply of such commodities like water, wheat as well as oil. America may also alternatively want to guarantee markets for their own home made products, such as shoes, heavy machinery, computers as well as planes. This is a critical reason why America should be at the forefront of supporting poor countries and not just turning a blind eye to them. American businesses as well as entrepreneurs need poor countries as much as they need them. America may also be interested in seeing the real faces of poverty so that through her influence of global affairs, she can facilitate opening up of trade barriers so as to assist poor countries sell their products more easily, conveniently as well as profitably. On this same vein, America can see to it that punitive subsidies are removed so as to facilitate importation of products from poor nations; thus ensuring fair play and healthy competition. America as a global superpower

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Tragic Dramas of Oedipus Rex and Antigone Essay

Tragic Dramas of Oedipus Rex and Antigone - Essay Example It was up to the playwrights to teach the people how to behave and the rules of society within the metropolis. While many of the plays were comedies, demonstrating the more ridiculous consequences that could be experienced if individuals did not abide by the established codes of conduct, others were dramas, revealing much more serious potentialities that could affect more than just the average citizen. As they were presented, these dramas demonstrated the degree to which the entire culture could be disrupted if someone in power chose to break the rules. Some of these dramas have survived into the modern day because they had such a profound effect on their audiences and told stories about mythological or legendary characters and events. Dramas such as Oedipus Rex and Antigone are good examples of this kind of tragic drama. To qualify as a tragic drama, Aristotle identified three main factors that were present in every tragic drama and which were essential to the plot development. Thes e factors were referred to as hamartia, anagnorisis and peripeteia. The term hamartia commonly refers the idea of a tragic flaw (Aristotle, 1282). It is the concept that a noble person will fail due to some inherent flawed portion of his character which causes him to engage in a specific behavior pattern or make an error in judgment rather than due to the manipulations of a vengeful god or as a result of violating the gods' laws. Although the audience might see it, even they are not necessarily supposed to recognize the hero's mistake or misbehavior at the time he commits it, but it will eventually become clear through the action of the play that without this mistake, the tragedy would not have happened. This eventual realization of the initial mistake on the part of the character is what is referred to as anagnorisis (Aristotle, 1283). In Aristotelian terms, this word essentially means recognition. In most cases, this realization occurs suddenly for the character in a kind of epiph any moment when the hero finally understands that they brought this fate on themselves. This epiphany can also shed light on the true nature of all the characters within the play, sometimes something much different than what was expected or assumed. The anagnorisis leads naturally into the third element, that of peripeteia. This term refers to a sudden reversal in action or position based upon logic and intellect (Aristotle, 1283). In tragic drama, it refers to the reversal of the character's fortunes - everything they had is lost. This reversal of fortunes flows naturally as a part of the story, but it usually takes the audience, and the character, by surprise. Although this idea can be traced as a part of the hero’s character, it was more typically used to refer to the external circumstances surrounding the event and the character. Understanding these key elements of a tragic drama helps modern day students characterize these plays simply by looking to see if they adhere to the concepts. In Oedipus the King, for example, the action opens as Oedipus addresses his people, who have come to him hoping he will cure their city of a plague. Rather than encourage them to pray to the gods, Oedipus ridicules them for their prayers and tells them they should have come to him first: â€Å"What means this reek of incense everywhere, / From others, and am hither come, myself, / I

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Child abuse policies and services Research Paper

Child abuse policies and services - Research Paper Example The rest of this paper will focus on a basic description of child abuse, and specifically take a look at the law that governs it. While the legislation of this issue has improved over the years, further improvements are necessary as some children, such as minority groups and disabled children are still falling through the cracks. Child abuse is generally thought to be either one of or a combination of four different types: physical abuse, sexual abuse, physical neglect or general maltreatment (Cicchetti & Barnett, 1991 from Skowron & Reinemann, 2005). It was reported that in 2000, there were 879 000 victims of child abuse the USA alone (Skowron & Reinemann, 2005). In 2005, this number had risen to 900 000. Shockingly, 40% of victims received no follow up care in 2005 (APA Public Interest Government Relations Office, n.d.). In addition, in 2004, the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention reported that child abuse is the primary cause of death in children between the ages of 1 and 4 years (Skowron & Reinemann, 2005). In fact, approximately 1,530 children die of abuse or neglect each year (Keita, 2008). There are usually several common factors in child abuse and these include that the child is well-known to the abuser, most abusers tend to be men and in about 50% of cases of abuse, the family is receiving assistance from the government. In addition, many cases involve abusers who commonly abuse substances and some common characteristics of abusive parents usually include them being extremely stressed, have little knowledge of child development and few parenting skills (APA Public Interest Government Relations Office, n.d.). The long term effects of child abuse are many and some of the conditions that manifest later in life vary. These may include, but are not limited to, depression, anxiety, posttraumatic stress, somatic complaints, suicidal tendencies, all of which are internalizing disorders.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Competing in the global arina Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Competing in the global arina - Essay Example Globliztion is "neither new nor folly but global movement of ides, people, technology nd goods from one region to others benefiting the people t lrge" (mrty Sen cited Stiglitz 2002, p. 6). The main companies contributed to globalization are McDonald's, General Motors, Wal-Mart, Google and Yahoo! which account for over half of the world's output. This geographical concentration reflects existing economic relations between the North and the South (Bhagwati 98). Rivalling nation-states in their economic power, these corporations control much of the world's investment capital, technology, and access to international markets. In order to maintain their prominent positions in the global marketplace, transnational corporations merge with other corporations. These companies have consolidated their global operations in an increasingly deregulated global labor market. The availability of cheap labor, resources, and favorable production conditions in the global South has enhanced corporate mobility and profitability (Hirst and Thompson 134-135). The main drivers of globalization are technology, free trade and low barriers to trade, investments and democratization processes. A combination of weak and unstable governments, small and vulnerable economies, warlike conditions, and widespread poverty creates unattractive conditions for the major drivers of globalization, especially the global corporations and other private sector investors (Bhagwati 23). Apart from mining and other natural resources extractive industries, these countries are not players in the global economy. Moreover, lack of good governance often means that the proceeds from these economic activities benefit only a select group of elites, giving rise to private armies and guerrilla movements (Stiglitz 90). Price system help companies to sell product around the world and meet diverse customers' needs. Indeed, the network's market share increased even further as a result of the dramatic reduction in the price and size of satellite dishes. Suddenly, such technolog ies became affordable, even for low-income consumers (Bhagwati 21). For instance, a new economic order allows the farmers to produce more than the market can absorb but get paid at a fair price. It also keeps agricultural goods, produced elsewhere more cheaply and efficiently, out of these countries' markets. Globalization, as it relates to trade, is aimed at reducing or eliminating protectionism in order to maintain a level playing field for all trading nations. Still, developing countries continue to face a wide range of nontariff administrative instruments of protectionism, which keep their exports out of the rich markets of developed countries. Protectionism by the developed countries-aimed at keeping developing countries out of the formers' markets especially in sectors such as agriculture, textiles, and light manufacturing where the latter have a decided comparative advantage-is a serious impediment to free trade and globalization and a constant source of conflict in multilate ral negotiations (Hirst and Thompson 98). Contrary to public perception, export subsidies are not an efficient public policy instrument for allocating resources. This is particularly important for developing countr

Monday, September 23, 2019

How Do Cultures Perceive Colours In Interior Design Essay

How Do Cultures Perceive Colours In Interior Design - Essay Example However, the need to use colours that do not conflict with the cultural practice of client will remain a priority and it must be preserved even amidst the ever changing trends in design. In chapter one, we will discuss the meaning of colors depending on various cultures and circumstances. Every color has different aspects to it and you can only learn the meaning of that color by understanding certain simple concepts about it. In chapter two, we will proceed further to explore how different cultures influence the appearance of interior designs. We will examine various cultures with regard to colour theory. The chapter we will prove that colour choices is the backbone of interior designing and so for designers to incorporate the â€Å"colour factor† and satisfy diverse cultures, they should have the ability to identify and recognise how differently cultures perceive colour. Throughout my research, I found that the definition of colour refers to all visual sensations. Colours can express feelings, ideas and emotions; therefore, people can communicate easily when using them. Designers are supposed to pay good attention to these little details, because whatever design they make should be well portrayed in the countries they are targeting. The wrong choice of colour selection and combination could transform the best designs into a nightmare if it is not perceived in the correct way. (Bratu, 2014) Differ ent cultures perceive colours differently; mostly because of the relationship and meaning that these colours have within that culture. These relationships have been transmitted through the generations, if not even upon hundreds of years. (Karenhaller, 2014). Chapter three, on the contrary, will examine how various restaurants around the globe have embraced the idea of â€Å"colour choice† and â€Å"meaning† in their interior design. It also address the history and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Ethics and Morality Essay Example for Free

Ethics and Morality Essay Man is a mixture of paradoxes and since his birth always finds himself tangled in the dense thrushes of social and cultural issues. Hamlet by William Shakespear is a best example to deliver us the true intricate nature of a person, how he finds himself in a dilemma, of what is morally right for him and what is morally wrong. An incredible question is raised in front of him, To Be or not to be? As Socrates said, moral philosophy deals with no small matter, but how we ought to live. ( Rachels, 2007) It is quite true, moral philosophy is nothing but how we take issues in our life into consideration. The issue of Abortion is a very complex issue, as anti abortionists and pro abortionists are adamant to follow their own extreme assumption. On the one hand, anti –abortionists says that the loss of one’s life is the very big loss, making a person rob of whole of his life’s activities. Therefore, to kill some one is immoral, on the other hand abortion is justified it protects women from unwanted pregnancy, abortion protects her chastity in case of pregnancy occurring due to rape and any other health hazard which might be dangerous for women and child in case of pregnancy. In case of the danger to the human lives, Can humans react aggressively back in self -defense? There are three aspects to it, firstly if the action is taken place in defense in case of threatened aggression, then the action is preemptive attack and unjustified or if action for defense is used after the attack, it is called as retaliation and this is also unjustified. The importance of imminence rule in self-defense is that, one can resort to defense action only against the attack which is imminent or which is just going to take place. The reason behind this rule is that the action for defense should take place when aggression is nor too late neither too early. But for a battered women killing her abuser on self-defense, even if there is no imminent threat, is considered as justified because the battered woman, may find danger to her life by her husband who though is sleeping at that time may cause her harm when he woke up. This danger by the sleeping husband is though not imminent but she might find herself in a situation that retaliate in return became a most necessary vocation. When women comes to known that there is no hope left to stop the violence, then by the nature women became passive and as a result their capability to identify the alternative sources are disappeared and they can turned their aggressiveness at abusers. ThisBattered Womans Syndrome has allowed the women a self- independent and therefore a most reasonable person who in time of the need can use her force in self defense. Death penalty is a most serious punishment, and amidst lot of controversies surrounding the death penalty, whether the death penalty is justifiable or not? Mill in his most famous speech of 1868, strongly advocated in favor of death penalty. Mill says that actually death penalty is much less cruel than any other form of punishments. He argues that death penalty is only conferred on the very heinous crimes like that of murder and is a least cruel method of inflicting punishment as far as the seriousness of the crime is concerned. If we go by the version that we are following a very horror form of punishement and may adopt some lenient form of punishment then it will no doubt gives the appearance of very less severity and less efficacious but in realty it would be the more cruel form of punishment. Further he said that the nature of punishments in case of pecuniary or not corporal depending on their duration seems to be more severe than actual is but death penalty though appears to be so severe but it is not so. Therefore punishment like death sentence is no doubt a very strict but in realty there are not so in realty. But Kant declares, â€Å"That the legal punishment must always been in response to guilt. † According to Kant, nobody should be punished only because of the utilitarian causes. He further says, â€Å"Judicial punishment can never be used merely as a means to promote some other good for the criminal himself or civil society, but instead it must in all cases be imposed on him only on the ground that he has committed a crime; for a human being can never be manipulated merely as a means to the purposes of someone else. He must first of all be found to be deserving of punishment before any consideration is given of the utility of this punishment for himself or his fellow citizens. † Kant also says that retribution is not only a most important condition for punishment but also most sufficient†. Retribution can also be said as natural justification, which means man thinks that it is very natural and bad person ought to be punished and a good person should be rewarded. There are two aspects to this theory, Desert Principle means people who do wrong to some one else ought to suffer. In real sense the meaning of Kant is not totally clear. But the idea that is generates stives to speak and is says even though a person who is guilty of murder and for the sake of humanity should be treated with a certain amount of dignity, and the punishments which ignores the humanity of the criminals are outside domain of morality. We can say that we cannot prove that they are not justice, and unadulterated revenge. And according to Kant on retribution with revenge, he says there is always heart in the body The instinct for revenge is a natural one; so is the instinct to take things we want that dont belong to us, as anyone who has spent time around young children will testify. But in real sense the morality wants us human beings to move away from our mere instincts. , this would make it it hard to be a virtuous person. And in the sphere of punishment, morality requires that we respect the humanity but in many cases we can also go against the will of criminals.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

A Historical Look at U.S. GAAP Essay Example for Free

A Historical Look at U.S. GAAP Essay ABSTRACT This paper discusses the historical development of generally accepted accounting principles through its contributing sources from 1930 to the present. U.S. Businesses had been using double entry accounting since the 1800s yet no uniform accounting practices had been introduced until the American Institute of Accountants (AIA) recommended to the New York Stock Exchange in 1932, †¦Ã¢â‚¬ five broad principles of accounting which have won fairly general acceptance†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , (Zeff, 2005, para. 4). In which, the terms â€Å"fairly present† and â€Å"in accordance with† were first used followed up with â€Å"generally accepted accounting principles†. Later, a sixth principle was approved. These recommendations were based on the three assumptions that all business transactions were apart from the business owner, all transaction currencies measured in the US dollar, the assumption of time and the matching principle. Thus establishing a foundation of which all future accounting principles are based. The AIA formed the Committee on Accounting Procedures (CAP) to publish Accounting Research Bulletins (ARB) on GAAP under the authority of the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC) created by the Securities Act of 1934. The CAP was later reorganized into the Accounting Principles Board (APB) that issued Opinions between 1959 and 1973. The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has been the source for private sector generally accepted accounting principles since 1973. Input by the private sector has been crucial to the development of GAAP since 1930. Historically, GAAP is influenced by the business condition and public interest. The Great Depression left the public with little faith in the private sector. Although the knowledge and experience of businesses would be consulted for standards; businesses were not trusted to set and regulate accounting standards. A common practice in the 1920s was to adjust asset values upward to the highest market value arguably misleading investors prior to the 1929 crash (Zeff, 2005, para. 10). In response, CAP and the SEC strongly mandated historical cost accounting as the acceptable basis of reporting. Shortly after, the U.S. was brought into WWII directing the CAP’s focus to issues pertaining to war time accounting. In addition, the CAP addressed the issues of the exclusion of unrealized profit from income, the use of capital surplus to offset losses, and notes and accounts receivable from officers, employees, and affiliated companies. The most notable item during the CAP’s tenure summed up was its ARBs issued in response to congress’s decision permitting companies to use the LIFO inventory method. This was a rare instance that tax policy influenced GAAP and was initially directed to companies purchasing natural metals because the FIFO method was equated to higher income taxes due to the time lapse between the asset’s acquisition and sale (Zeff, 2005). The method was available to all industries in 1939. While CAP was praised for addressing questionable reporting practices prior to the crash; it was mostly labeled as weak by critics for failing to set a uniform accounting framework to mitigate comparability issues. At the advice of the AIA, now known as the AICPA, the Accounting Principles Board replaced the CAP. ARB 43 was quickly published to restate all Accounting Research Bulletins and eliminate any superseded ARBs. The research driven APB published 31 opinions. The first few answered reporting questions regarding the investment credit per the Revenue Act of 1962 allotting businesses a credit for a â€Å"†¦specified percentage of the cost of certain depreciable assets placed into service after 1961† (FASB, 1962, para.1). The board concluded that the credit may be recorded as an offset to net income over the asset’s life or as a reduction in acquisition cost during the period it occurred. This is important because it is a conceptual precursor to today’s section 179 and bonus depreciation credits of which most small and medium sized businesses depend on and consider when determining capital investments. All opinions regarding credits and other tax reporting issues were later superseded by the FASB’s statement number 109, Accounting for Income Tax. Many of the APB’s remaining opinions dealt with emerging issues brought about by the postindustrial economy. For instance, the board developed guidelines for intangible assets such as goodwill, the equity method of accounting for common stock, accounting for employee stock options, the reporting of extraordinary items in the income statement, and set the criteria to use pooling of interest or the purchase method in business combinations. The most controversial accomplishment of the APB was its 1970 publication Basic Concepts and Accounting Principles Underlying Financial Statements of Business Enterprises. The board’s issuance of this as a non-authoritative â€Å"standard† rather than opinion was met with negative criticism as it failed to commit to any conceptual framework solutions and reaffirmed the fundamental disagreement among members on this topic. The board was soon after dissolved and replaced by the FASB with new, independent members in 1973. Nearly all APB Opinions were superseded by FASB statements (FAS) at different points in time. The FASB remains the authoritative source for private sector accounting practices today. The Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 restated the FASB’s position in setting accounting standards. The FASB does not have the authority to enforce standards. The responsibility has always been with managers to prepare and file financial statements in accordance to GAAP with the SEC. Auditors, overseen by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), issue opinions on the conformity and accuracy of the financial statements. The role of auditors has become increasingly crucial in the post Enron era. The FASB remains committed to addressing any deficiencies in the reporting process and meeting regularly with the PCAOB and SEC to prevent future financial disasters. Probably the most serious issues to date addressed by the FASB resulted from the subprime mortgage crisis and the subsequent financial crisis of 2008. According to Leslie Seidman (2011), chairman of the FASB, high profile controversy relating to the determination of the fair value of assets and liabilities in an illiquid market prompted the issuance of FAS 157, Fair Value Measurements. Effective November 2007, the standard expanded disclosure for fair value measurements and included changes in fair value practice â€Å"†¦ for certain entities† (FASB, 2006, para. 1). The FAS 133 released in January 2008 provided new and additional guidance on derivatives and designated a team within the FASB to assist with statement implementation. The FASB works to â€Å"harmonize† the previously mentioned standards and all others with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Discussion of international accounting principles has occurred for decades and an International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) has existed since 1973. It was not until the 1990s when globalization motivated the FASB to deliberate a strategic plan for international activities. In 2002, the FASB and IASB started collaborating to â€Å"converge† US GAAP and International Accounting Standards. A memorandum of understanding was released by the two boards in 2006 and amended in 2008. In 2011, the FASB sent a letter to the IFRS Foundation Trustees describing its views on many key issues. The FASB continues to balance long term IASB projects with its work on issues relating to US GAAP. REFERENCES Financial Accounting Standards Board. (1962). APB 2: Accounting for the â€Å"Investment Credit†. Retrieved from Financial Accounting Standards Board. (2006). Summary of Statement No. 157. Fair Value Measurements. Retrieved from Financial Accounting Standards Board. (2012). International Convergence of Accounting Standards –Overview. IASB-FASB Update Report. Retrieved from Seidman, L.F. â€Å"The Role of the Accounting Profession in Preventing Another Financial Crisis.† U.S. Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Subcommittee on Securities, Insurance, and Investment [Testimony]. FASB. April 6, 2011. Zeff, S. A. (2005). The Evolution of U.S. GAAP: The Political Forces behind Professional Standards. The CPA Joural, Retrieved fro m

Friday, September 20, 2019

Primary school sex education in Malaysia

Primary school sex education in Malaysia 1.1 Introduction â€Å"Pedophiles’ blackmail victims into sex acts†, â€Å"Lustful minors†, these are the recent news titles published in newspapers in 2013 from New Straits Times. Sex education has always been a sensitive issue, in a particular in a country like Malaysia; and the issue has been brought into discussion since January 1991 until the latest on November 2008 (Sunday Times, 2010). There are rising of cases of unwanted pregnancies, baby dumping and minors raping minors where in most of situations involved consensual sex. In worst situation, some of the minors do not understand what they are doing. This proved the need of sex education in schools. Nevertheless, Malaysia still refused to implement a complete sex education in schools. While recent reported cases revealed that sexual misconduct among children not only occurred among teenagers or secondary school, but also at young age involving primary school children; thus painted a serious outlook for Malaysia. According to the Principal Assistant Director of the Sexual Crimes, Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Investigations Division of Royal Malaysian Police, a number of 22 cases of sexual misconduct involving children were reported from 2011 until September 2013—this number involved children aged below 13 years old (source: Royal Malaysian Police 2013). Interestingly, there were no cases on sexual misconduct of minors against minors reported before 2011; this may not mean that there was no cases of sexual misconduct among children in the country, perhaps, it exist, but not reported to the authority or the children’s parents or guardian remain silent about the situation. Most of the serious reported cases were publicized in the local newspapers; however, there still a number of unreported cases remain unknown. The human rights commissioner, James Nayagam believes that the schools have failed teaching the students to respect the human right of girls. He also claims that schools need to start implementing two important topics, which are on human rights and preventive sex education (The Star, 2010). Curiosity among children regarding sex is rising; this is influenced by what they observed in the internet. In some situation, children are more expert than the adult in term of using advanced gadget to browse through the internet. These children are not always monitored by their parents or guardian. This is one of the negative consequences of internet to our young generation. Further, when the children don’t have their own gadget to browse the internet, they also can go to cyber cafe nearest their house. They are not only playing computer games, but they are also browsing the internet, especially the popular YouTube websites. Computers in the cyber cafà © are usually not safe for the children, because sometimes the computers at the cafe are not restricted from certain â€Å"bad websites†, where illicit pictures of half-naked men and women can suddenly pop up from the computer screen. According to an article from the Canadian Council on Learning (January, 2008), most young people stumble upon pornography while searching for something else. Recent study conducted among British children ages from 9 to 19 proved that most whom encountered online pornography did not give further attention, some get disgust by it and small number of them expressed an interest in it. However, the small amount of them is the one that need to be controlled as this may trigger the kids to click on the pop ups which, later brings them to the â€Å"bad websites†. While a few developed countries such as Australia, United Kingdom and others have implemented sex education; Malaysia still in the early stage of implementing sex education in secondary school, yet it is still not completely implemented. Young children need to be educated about this matter. Without education, they might not be able to decide and defend for themselves especially the girls. Children who are in the process of growing up usually do not receive adequate information, knowledge and preparation for safe sexual life. The community often avoid from having an open conversation about sexual matters. At that particular age, these kids are crucially in need of conversation about sexual matters with the reliable person. Unfortunately, most parents think that it is not necessary to have sexuality education at school. Based on a report written by Lee Choon Fai, Women’s Aid Organisation (WAO) executive director, Ivy Josiah, stated that open discussion about sex is often seen as an inappropriate in Malaysia, especially in the conservative communities (Selangor Times, 2012). They tend to think that sexuality education is one of the way or factor that could lead to social problem. For them, the children wouldn’t know and won’t involve in sex problem if the syllabus is not being teach at school. A primary teacher from Johor claimed that parents think that sexuality education teaches students how to have sex and all (The Star Online, 2012). But what they do not know is that sexuality education actually helps provide their children with knowledge and information about the effect of the immoral act such as the diseases, unwanted pregnancies and other social problem. This shows the need to have sex education in Malaysian primary schools; however, how ready of Malaysian parents to accept sex education for their children? 1.2 Problem Statement The issue of having/implementing sex education in Malaysian schools is not new. It arises as one of the solutions to deal with the rising number of baby dumping in Malaysia. Baby dumping issue, which strongly related to other social problems in Malaysia such as illegal sex, teenage pregnancy, unwanted pregnancy, pregnant out of wedlock and others, pressure the government and relevant parties in Malaysia to propose for solutions. While a few solutions have been accepted, though with some challenges, such as the implementation of baby hatches (Gunaratnam and Agustin, 2010), school for pregnant teenagers (School of Hope in Malacca) (Ram and Elis, 2010), encourage young couples to get married; solution to have sex education among children is still partially implemented. Instead of agreeing to have a complete sex education in schools, Malaysian government argues that information about sex has been covered in several subjects in school such as in Biology and Social and Reproductive Health Studies. The reluctant to implement sex education among school children may come with the idea of not exposing and encouraging teenagers to sex; on the other hand, this may means that Malaysian society is still in denial in accepting sex is happening among our teenagers. Thus, sex education is important to teach our children about sex and its consequences. However, the issue of sexual misconduct is not only happened among teenagers, but also involving young children. While the implementation of sex education in Malaysian secondary schools are not well accepted by many parties; this study attempt to explore Malaysian parents’ readiness to accept sex education in primary schools due to the rising number of sexual misconduct among young children in the country. The introduction of sex education in primary school is not new. Developed countries such as Australia and United Kingdom have implemented sex education among primary school children and it’s proved to be effective in dealing with sexual misconduct among children in their countries. 1.3 Research Questions The questions that arise while the research is conducted are as follows: What is the level of readiness and acceptance of having sex education as part of primary school syllabus? What are the relationship between conservative thinking, taboo subject, lack of expertise in schools and parents’ role, and the implementation of sex education among primary school children? What are the main factor that hinder the implementation of sex education among primary school children? 1.4 Research Objectives The main objective of this study is to find out the readiness and acceptance of the parents on the issue of implementing sex education in schools, especially in primary schools. To achieve the objective, the process of planning and implementing the subject should be done thoroughly so that it can be fully accepted by the parents. The specific objectives of the study include: To study the parents’ level of readiness and acceptance of having sex education as part of primary school syllabus To explore the relationship between conservative thinking, taboo subject, lack of expertise in schools and parents’ role, and the implementation of sex education among primary school children. To examine the parents’ perception on main factors that hinders the implementation of sex education among the primary school children in Klang Valley 1.5 Scope of Study Level This research will focus on parents’ readiness and acceptance on sex education among school children. The scope of this study is narrowed to parents because they play important role in their children’s’ life. Furthermore, in school, there is also an association that require parents’ involvement. For example, there is Parents and Teacher Association (PTA) where both parents and teachers will sit together discussing about the development of children and all problems associated with the students. Thus, parents’ voice will be taken into account if they agree to have and feel the need of sex education to be taught in schools. 1.6 Significance of the Study The study is necessary to bring the awareness of the community towards the importance of having sex education as part of school syllabus and the benefits that it will bring to the country. The findings of this study are important to help the affected parties to realize what sex education is all about and related knowledge that comes with the implementation of the subject. The subject will mostly affect the teenagers which are the students of the secondary school and other involved parties include the parents, school counsellor, teachers, the community and the government. Sex education may help to overcome social problems among teenagers such as teenage pregnancy, pre-marital sex and under age sex. With the right module, sex education also provide the students the right information about sex and its related issues and at the same time, correct any inaccurate and insufficient information about sex that they learnt from the Internet or mass media. Apart from that, the introduction of the subject will help to educate teenagers about health issues related to sex namely ways to prevent pregnancies, unsafe abortions, abandoned babies, and sexually-transmitted diseases. 1.7 Definition of Terms, Terminology and Concepts Sex Education Science Daily described sex education as a broad term used to describe education about human sexual anatomy, sexual reproduction, sexual intercourse and other aspects of human sexual behaviour. Children With reference to Child Act 2001, child is define as a person under the age of eighteen years. Primary School Macmillan Dictionary defines primary school as a school for children between the ages of four or five and eleven. In UK primary schools are sometimes divided into an infant school for the youngest children and a junior school. Same it goes to Malaysia, we have kindergarten for children age 5 and 6 and primary school with student age from 7 to 12. Social Problem We take definition on social problem from Maxwell School. It describes social problem as a condition that at least some people in a community view as being undesirable. Teenage Pregnancy According to UNICEF, teenage pregnancy is defined as teenage girl, usually within the ages of 13-19, becoming pregnant. The term that is being used in the everyday speech frequently refers to girls who have not yet reached legal adulthood, which varies across the world, become pregnant.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Natural Technology Essay -- Inventing Technology Writing Essays

Natural Technology With all the technological advancements and ingenious inventions our culture and world have been introduced to, it is difficult to remove ourselves from what we are accustomed to and what our expectations are of technology, in order to dwell on what technology really is. Technology, to many, may be any appliance that uses a battery or has to be plugged into an outlet in the wall in order to work. When a person thinks of writing technology, similar thoughts may take place. Society has become comfortable with the great technology that is part of our every day lives, such as the computer or a palm pilot, we tend to forget what came first. It is quite easy to understand why Socrates and others throughout history believed writing would be detrimental to society and the human mind. From Socrates’ â€Å"Phaedrus†, he argues against the idea of using writing, â€Å"†¦for this discovery of yours will create forgetfulness in the learners’ souls, because they will not use their memories; they will trust to the external written characters and not remember of themselves.† (Tribble/Trubek, 362) After all, we experience the same arguments even today as new technologies enter our world and become part of our lives. Writing technology, like anything else, has evolved over time. Mark Twain writes of his experience of being introduced to the typewriter, â€Å"At the beginning of the interval a type-machine was a curiosity. The person who owned one was a curiosity, too. But now it is the other way about: the person who DOESN’T own one is a curiosity.† (Tribble/Trubek, 501) After all the world has experienced in technology, however, it is almost impossible to imagine life without the technology of writing. In ta... ...s about their project ideas I may have become more aware of other possibilities for this project. In the end I became aware that my final idea did not even fit in the definition of â€Å"natural technology,† it was all part of the learning experience of this project. Writing and technology are fascinating concepts when closely studied and understood. It seems as though they are connected in a way in which they are almost dependent upon each other for their existence. We could not have writing without technology, nor technology without writing. To find natural means of writing technology is a challenge and a humbling way of viewing technology and the great advancements that have been made in the world. Work Cited Tribble, Evelyn B., and Anne Trubek. Writing Material: Readings from Plato to the Digital Age. New York: Longman. 2003.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Yellow Wallpaper :: essays research papers

For this assignment I chose to review â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. The yellow wallpaper was about a lady with what is said to be a temporary nervous condition and her husband traveling to the country for the summer and for the healing powers of being away from writing which seems to worsen her condition. The people in the story rent a house for three months and the main character in the story is tormented, she stares at this wallpaper for hours on end and thinks she sees a woman behind the paper. "I didn't realize for a long time what the thing was that showed behind, that dim sub-pattern, but now I am quite sure it is a woman." She becomes obsessed with discovering what is behind that pattern and what it is doing. "I don't want to leave now until I have found it out". The plot of the story was boring, going from one thing to another just to have the woman lock herself in a room and pull all the wallpaper down at the end. The rising action would lead you to believe she completely went crazy there was one part where she explicitly says she wanted to burn the house down because of the smell from the wallpaper. It sounds as if she is suffering from far more than a nervous depression when you hear things like that. There was one big thing that’s repeated throughout the story and it’s the fact that she keeps saying no one wanted her to write because it is supposedly the cause or one of the reasons her ailment continues. The other characters in the story are distant from her like everyone is trying not to see the problem this woman is delusional, psychotic, maybe even completely insane. There are hints of this all throughout the story, she doesn’t go anywhere nobody wanted her to write. I’m thinking there is more going on in the story, something between the lines maybe she’s being abused and that is the real root of her illness. When you get to the root of the story it’s really about this woman being dominated by her husband. She is almost running scared of him she doesn’t dare do anything around him, she doesn’t mention it but I believe she would be disciplined in some way if she was to get out of line by defying him some way. The Yellow Wallpaper :: essays research papers For this assignment I chose to review â€Å"The Yellow Wallpaper† by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. The yellow wallpaper was about a lady with what is said to be a temporary nervous condition and her husband traveling to the country for the summer and for the healing powers of being away from writing which seems to worsen her condition. The people in the story rent a house for three months and the main character in the story is tormented, she stares at this wallpaper for hours on end and thinks she sees a woman behind the paper. "I didn't realize for a long time what the thing was that showed behind, that dim sub-pattern, but now I am quite sure it is a woman." She becomes obsessed with discovering what is behind that pattern and what it is doing. "I don't want to leave now until I have found it out". The plot of the story was boring, going from one thing to another just to have the woman lock herself in a room and pull all the wallpaper down at the end. The rising action would lead you to believe she completely went crazy there was one part where she explicitly says she wanted to burn the house down because of the smell from the wallpaper. It sounds as if she is suffering from far more than a nervous depression when you hear things like that. There was one big thing that’s repeated throughout the story and it’s the fact that she keeps saying no one wanted her to write because it is supposedly the cause or one of the reasons her ailment continues. The other characters in the story are distant from her like everyone is trying not to see the problem this woman is delusional, psychotic, maybe even completely insane. There are hints of this all throughout the story, she doesn’t go anywhere nobody wanted her to write. I’m thinking there is more going on in the story, something between the lines maybe she’s being abused and that is the real root of her illness. When you get to the root of the story it’s really about this woman being dominated by her husband. She is almost running scared of him she doesn’t dare do anything around him, she doesn’t mention it but I believe she would be disciplined in some way if she was to get out of line by defying him some way.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Medical Industry Essay

Mediksys is a clinic management system designed to help the clinica terencio and hospital in managing their patient record and accommodating during their check-up. This system has Features include save, delete, edit, refresh, search by either first name, surname or id. The search also includes autocomplete. Crystal report with option to print a single selected record or all the records in a datatable. Also a flexibility in the DataGridView which populates all fields when a record is clicked on the gridview. (Note: this is very simple make it complex but don’t be redundant in explain the part. It is not the whole document it is just a overview) IV. Statement of the problem A. General Problem: Manual Clinic Management System of Clinica Terencio and Hospital B. Specific Problem: Accommodating numbers of patient upon check-up Inconvenience patient record monitoring V. Objective of the study A. General Objective: To develop the Mediksys system. B. Specific Objectives: To provide a convenient way in monitoring patient check-up queue using Patient Express Assist. (PEA) To enhance the patient record management V. Scope and Limitations: The system is not intended to replace the role of human being in the world, for it has limitation and capabilities. The capabilities of this system would help human being to have quality life in serving people. It is important to the future reader to understand its limitation to enable them to have a deeper understanding on how it can probably help them with their certain task. A. Scope of the System The authorized nurse (receptionist) and Doctor can access to the system during office hours. The patient can view their Number on the screen for their check-up The authorized nurse (receptionist) can edit, add and delete patient information. The Doctor handle or control the patient Express Assist (PEA) B. Limitation of the system It does not cover other processes aside from recording patient record and viewing the patient number for check-up. (Note: in making scope and limitation the scope should > that limitation) VI. Review on Related Literature and Studies According to Anonuevo (2009) the most high-volume medical service facilities, the implementation of an efficient queuing and scheduling system would always pose a problem. More often than not, medical service facilities would implement a queue manually by either assigning a queue administrator or by using a ticketing system. The problem with these implementations is that the manager or facilitator of the queue does not have a convenient and quick way of informing queued customers of any updates. Because of this, patients are given no indication or estimation as to when their turn will be. As such, patients who are waiting in line will be forced to wait in the same vicinity as the facility. Which in turn, would  lead to long and crowded queues in that particular facility. Another problem that most Philippine medical service facilities have is implementing a reliable, robust and efficient record keeping system. In the Philippine setting, most service facilities still choose to use a paper-basedsystem for keeping medical records. This system has already proved to be slow and inefficient. In a recent survey conducted by the group, 63% of its respondents have admitted to having problems with their record keepingsystem. 83% of these respondents have also admitted to misplacing patient medical records or losing them entirely. These are unacceptable numbers, especially for a medical service facility. Provincial Hospital In-Patient System or PROV-HIS is a generic transaction processing system for provincial hospitals. Implemented in Visual Basic 5 Enterprise edition, it is designed to integrate hospital functions in a local area network system. The proponents identified that data management workload is uneven in the existing hospital system. By carefully studying and establishing a paper trail, the proponents managed to evenly distribute and systematize work among hospital personnel hence disburdening some hospital personnel of work backlogs, made possible through PROV-HIS. L. Morco, a master degree student of De La Salle Univesity observed that PROV-HIS answers the need for an efficient hospital information management. It made use of data coming from the vital source of hospital transactions which are the admission, the medical record service, the billing service and the hospital wards. The result of the proponents effort is a system that would serve as benchmark in the coming years particularly on hospital in-patient systems for devolved, tertiary provincial hospitals. (Provincial hospital in-patient system (PROV-HIS), 1999) In developing the system, the proponents were guided by theories acquired in the course of their study in the university. Tools such as systems design and analysis, knowledge on database management, normalization and creation, software engineering methodologies, human-computer interaction theories and information systems concepts were benefited by the system developers. Reading materials, internet information and direct user contact made the study flourish into what is now. The study concludes that the developed system is now utilizing hospital data with great accuracy and  efficiency with the use of non-redundant processes and less error-prone activities compared to the existing system. PROV-HIS has also proven itself worthy to be called a hospital information system because it is record-management oriented, the primary criterion for hospital information (Note: there are many ways for citation, please study and search about it [the red ink above indicates my citation for this work ])

Monday, September 16, 2019

The use of teacher questions in learning and teaching

IntroductionQuestioning is one of the most of import accomplishments in effectual instruction. Through oppugning a instructor can assist pupils organize relationships, guarantee success, bring on the engagement of inattentive pupils, and enhance pupils ‘ self-pride ( Eggen & A ; Kauchak, 1996, P40 ) . Research workers overwhelmed with oppugning techniques highlighted the importance of oppugning in learning as an effectual tool in learning. A inquiry is defined as: â€Å" any sentence that has an interrogative signifier † ( Cotton, Undated ) . In a schoolroom, the instructor ‘s inquiries are meant to be a tool intended to pass on the content elements to be learned and the instructions for what they are expected to make and the mode to make it. ( Cotton, ( Undated ) . Aschner ( 1961 ) cited in. Gall ( 1970 ) , for illustration, called the instructor â€Å" a professional inquiry shaper † and claimed that inquiring inquiries is one of the basic ways by which the instructors stimulated pupils believing and acquisition. Purpose: This paper is an effort to look into the usage of the different types of inquiries inside the schoolroom in relation to the cognitive theories. Background and significance: This survey is conducted at Fujairah Institute of Nursing ( ION ) .This institute is one out of three institutes from the Ministry of Health ( MOH ) in the United Arab Emirates ( UAE ) , which are learning nursing sheepskin for local and expatriates. There are three degrees of pupils ; these are diploma one ( DI ) , diploma two ( DII ) , and sheepskin three ( DIII ) . At Fujairah ION, there are 13 instructors ; some of them are Bachelors ‘ grade holders while others are master prepared. The experience of the instructors ranges between two to fifteen old ages. The instructors normally apply two methods of learning harmonizing to the ION policy ; these are Lecture Based and Case Based instruction. The admittance standards of credence of pupils emphasize that pupils must go through the high school with an norm of 70 % in the scientific watercourse. All classs are taught in English. On the footing of my personal instruction experience in the nursing field for the last 10 old ages, seven of them as a senior nursing coach at the ION – MOH – UAE. I have noticed that good inquiring technique is indispensable in the development of pupil ‘s apprehension and critical thought. Furthermore, the chief end of the ION is to develop long life scholar through the usage of Case Based Learning Method and synergistic Lecture Based Method where the instructor showered the pupils with different types of inquiries to ease the treatment in the schoolroom. This could non go on efficaciously if the facilitators have no inquiring technique. Furthermore, because of my personal involvement in bettering the quality of instruction and oppugning technique in ION, and since cipher has investigated the impact of good oppugning on pupil ‘s apprehension. I feel the impulse to analyze the part of this facet to the acquisition procedure. The consequence is expected to br ing out the degree of oppugning ( high- order, low order ) and the consequence of inquiries on pupils ‘ comprehension. Literature reappraisal The usage of oppugning helps instructors to analyze scholars ‘ comprehension. Questioning is besides utile for scholars as it encourages battle and focuses their thought on cardinal constructs and thoughts. Good learning involves how to inquire inquiries for maximal consequence. Some instructors ‘ inquiries are low cognitive 1s that ask pupils to give background information that they already have. Such inquiries have assorted advantages ( 1994, Airasian, et Al ) cited in Omrod, J, E. ( 2007 ) ( P475 ) .First, oppugning gives us an apprehension of the pupils ‘ old cognition and wrong thoughts about atopic. Second, they tend to look after pupils ‘ concentration on the lesson advancement. Third, they help us measure whether pupils are larning hard stuff efficaciously or are puzzled about peculiar accent. Fourth, they give pupils the opportunity to detect their apprehension. Finally, inquiries about the earlier erudite information promote reappraisal of the stuff, which should further greater recollection afterwards. Another type of inquiries is the high cognitive inquiries – those that entail the pupils to believe critically beyond what they have learned ( Minstrell and Stimpsen, 1996 ; Progrow and Londer 1994 ) cited in Omrod, J, E. ( 2007 ) ( P475 ) . Using the higher- degree inquiries help pupils to believe of their ain illustrations of ideas, use new criterions to work out a job or speculate about possible reading of cause & A ; effects relationship and to advance critical thought. One of the basic theories in oppugning was reflected in Benjamin Bloom ‘s taxonomy ( 1956 ) who builds a system of classs of larning behaviour to assist us in planing and measuring educational acquisition. The taxonomy was ordered in grade of trouble from simple callback of facts on the lowest degree, through progressively more complex and abstract mental degrees, to the highest order making ( synthesis ) after being modified by his informer pupil Anderson ( 1994 ) . ( See Appendix E ) . An of import rule of Bloom ‘s Taxonomy is that each degree must be mastered before doing advancement to the following. The cardinal component of Bloom ‘s taxonomy is in its prompt that we want pupils to hold many degrees at accomplishments. Bloom found that over 95 % of the trial inquiries require the pupils to believe merely at the minimal degree. Teachers should be professional in the preparation of the inquiries and pay attending to their dictions as wide or narrow diction could restrict pupils ‘ response. Furthermore, instructors ‘ inquiries should be based on the cognitive degree of pupils instead than their classs. Piaget, another psychologist, stated that larning and believing involve scholar ‘s engagement. Knowledge is non strictly transmitted verbally but must be constructed and reconstructed by the scholar. Intelligence is good kept through assimilation and adjustment ; hence, experiences should be considered to give opportunities for assimilation and adjustment. Harmonizing to Piaget, scholars need to research, to pull strings, to experiment, to inquiry, and to seek out replies for themselves – activity is indispensable. Direction should be individualized every bit much as possible and scholars should pass on with each others, to challenge and discourse issues. Piaget considers instructors as facilitators of cognition – they instruct, engage and motivate pupils. Learning is much more meaningful when larning springs from their experiences. Consequently, instructors can utilize assorted types of inquiries to excite the scholars ‘ believing about abstract constructs taking into consideration their developmental degree since development precedes acquisition. Teachers should carefully be after their inquiries and move from one phase to another depending on the cognitive procedure of the scholar, Therefore, there should be a correspondence between the cognitive degree of instructors ‘ inquiries and the cognitive ability of the pupils ‘ replies. Harmonizing to Vygotsky ( 1920s-1934 ) , rational development takes topographic point in term of societal history and sociocultural background ( Luria, I 976 ) . That is, cognitive accomplishments and forms of thought of an person are non congenital factors, but are gained from interaction within his sociocultural environment. Vygotsky believed that larning takes topographic point when kids are working within their zone of proximal development ( ZPD ) . That is, the ZPD describes undertakings that a kid has non yet learned but is capable of larning at a given clip. A cardinal thought derived from Vygotsky ‘s impression of societal acquisition is that of staging ; the aid provided by more competent equals or grownups. Typically, scaffolding agencies supplying a kid with a great trade of support during the early phases of acquisition. The instructor should see prosecuting pupils at the upper degrees enthusiastically without overpowering them. Vygotsky considered that the instruct or as a scaffold that can assist the persons learn by seting his instructions and inquiries harmonizing to the kid ‘s degree of public presentation — is an effectual signifier of learning. Unlike Piaget, Vygotsky believed that larning returns development. Vygostyan psychological science ( Vygotskij, 1978, 1999, 2002 ) ; any cognition is based on a peculiar degree of abstraction. As a consequence, the proper usage of instructors ‘ inquiry even in the signifier of fact could take to abstraction which is contrary to Bloom. A considerable figure of research workers have studied the usage of inquiries in the schoolroom by the instructors and their findings were congruous. The figure and types of inquiries asked by instructors during the instruction procedure varies. Harmonizing to Gall, ( 1970 ) the usage of inquiries in the schoolroom over a 50 twelvemonth period reveals that the chief tendency has been the development of techniques to depict inquiries used by instructor. It is clear for pedagogues that inquiries play an of import function in learning. Aschner ( 1961 ) called the instructor â€Å" a professional inquiries shaper † . Flander ( 1970 ) cited in Gall, ( 1970 ) P3 ) stated that inquiring inquiry is one of the 10 major treatments for analyzing instructors ‘ behaviours in the widely used system for interaction analysis. Hastings ( 1912 ) cited in Gall ( 1970 ) P3 ) . An mean instructor asks 400 inquiries in a twenty-four hours, this means that most of the instruction clip is occup ied with inquiries and replies. Educators by and large see oculus to oculus that instructors should emphasize the development of pupils ‘ accomplishment in critical thought instead than in remembering facts. Harmonizing to Gall, Approximately 60 % of instructor ‘s quest on callback facts, approximately 20 % require pupils to believe and the staying 20 % are procedural. In another survey by Hussein ( 2006 ) , three instructors observed asked a sum of 782 inquiries consisting academic, non-academic, and pseudo inquiries in 16 observation Sessionss. The perceiver documented ( 526 ) inquiries, three hundred fifty four ( 354 or 67.3 % ) of these inquiries were in the academic class. The bulk of the academic inquiries were low-level ( 458, 87 % ) and the staying 68 inquiries ( 13 % ) were high-ranking. In the survey of Graesser and Person ( 1994 ) , 96 % of the inquiries in a schoolroom environment are instructors ‘ inquiries. In add-on to being rare and short, student inquiries are besides simple ( Dillon, 1988 ; Flammer, 1981 ; Kerry, 1987 ) cited in Graesser & A ; Person ) . That is, they are usually superficial, short-answer inquiries that deal with the content and reading of distinct stuff ; they are seldom high-cognitive inquiries that involve illations, multistep analysis, or the averment of critical judgement. Research Question: This paper is an effort to reply the undermentioned inquiry: What types of inquiries are used by the instructor? How different or similar are these inquiries to the researches findings? Methodology Design A descriptive survey design will be used to analyze the degree of inquiries posed by the instructors, based on the revised Bloom ‘s taxonomy of the inquiry degree. The consequences will be tabulated utilizing simple statistical analysis to advert some: Sums, and Percentages, Sample and Puting The research worker will carry on two Sessionss of observations in two nursing categories. These are: DI & A ; DII ; each category consists of 25 and 28 grownup pupils severally and learns through talk based method. They lie in the ( Formal operational phase of development ) harmonizing to Piaget. Two instructors will be observed are: first is a holder of a maestro grade in Medical surgical nursing, has an experience for two old ages in nursing instruction ; the 2nd possess a Bachelor ‘s Of Nursing Science, and has seven old ages of learning experience. The oppugning technique of the instructor will be assessed and evaluated through direct schoolroom observation in relation to the cognitive theory ( Bloom, Piaget and Vygotsky ) The revised version of Bloom ‘s taxonomy ( updated by Anderson, 1994 ) will be used as a process to measure the degree of oppugning. ( See appendix E ) The ethical considerations of carry oning this piece of research were carefully considered. Three consent letters were obtained from the Branch Manager every bit good as the concerned instructors. Procedure: 1. A missive will be sent to the principal to acquire permission for observation. ( Appendix C ) 2. A missive will be sent to the concerned instructors that I will go to their categories. ( Appendix D ) 3. The schoolroom oppugning observation clip will be 100 proceedingss, 50 proceedingss for each Class session.4. The findings of the survey will be compared with the consequences of the surveies done by Gall, 1970 ( The usage of inquiries in learning ) , Graesser and Person 1994, ( Question inquiring during tutoring ) and Hussein, 2006 ( Dimensions of Questioning: A Qualitative Study of Current Classroom Practice in Malaysia ) .Datas Analysis The figure and type of instructors ‘ will be counted and analyzed. I calculated the frequence of inquiries asked by the instructors and categorized them harmonizing to high cognitive order and low cognitive order based on bloom ‘s taxonomy. The per centum of the entire figure of inquiries was calculated to ease readability and comparing between two categories. Consequences Degree of inquiry Class I Class II Low Cognitive Remembering 25 ( 66 % ) 17 ( 63 % ) Understanding 10 ( 26 % ) 6 ( 22 % )92 %85 % Using High Cognitive Analyzing 2 ( 5 % ) 2 ( 7 % ) Measuring Making 1 ( 3 % ) 2 ( 7 % ) 8 % 14 %Sum3827Discussion: With regard to this figure of inquiries: The findings of this survey showed that the figure of asked inquiries ( C1 =38, C2 =27 ) falls in scope with the findings of the survey of ( Graesser and Natalie ) '30 to 120 inquiries per hr ‘ With regard to the frequence of low cognitive inquiries: It is obvious from the findings that the bulk of inquiries ( C1 =92 % , C2 =85 % ) prevarication in the low cognitive order. Compared to the findings of ( Gall. 1970 ) and Hussein ( 2006 ) who severally found that 77 % and 87 % of instructors ‘ inquiries are of factual type. The figure of inquiries which lie in low cognitive order is rather higher based on my personal category room observations ; even the inquiries asked at the higher degree ( C1 =8 % , C2 =14 % ) were non answered right by the pupils. Teachers were noticed to feed the pupils with appropriated responses which will non excite abstract believing but contrary to that recalling and memorisation will ; term to be the existent term fro eg. 1. Scaffolding Teacher: What is the consequence of pneumonic high blood pressure on the right side of the bosom? Students: did non react to the inquiry. Teacher Scaffold them: Could depict the pneumonic circulation. 2. Formal operational: How is the clinical presentation of right ventricular failure different from the left side ventricular failure? Students: No response Traveling rearward from formal to concrete was quoted in the undermentioned event: Teacher: What are the maps of the left and right side of the bosom? Although the instructor was inquiring inquiries at frequent manner there was no adequate attending to the degree of the asked inquiries ; most of the inquiry did necessitate recalling and rote memory acquisition. This is an indicant that either instructors are non good trained or the higher order cognitive inquiries are non decently formulated or the pupils are non good coached to react to such types of inquiry. Students ‘ readying plays a function in reacting to higher degree of oppugning. If pupils are non good prepared, they will non be able to group the indispensable subject of the asked inquiry and therefore they will non catch up the higher cognitive degree inquiries. Connection with learning Theories: During my schoolroom observations, I was able to happen a nexus between many of the instructor ‘s inquiries and the cognitive theories from illustration. 1. Vygotsky /scaffolding: – Teacher: what is the consequence of left ventricular failure on the cardiac end product? – Students: did n't react to the instructor and seemed confused. – Teacher gave them a intimation by simplifying the inquiries what are the determiners of Cardiac out? – Students answered: † Blood force per unit area, and contraction. – Teacher: What is the consequence of contract on CO? 2. Formal a Concrete ( Piaget ) Teacher: What is the principle behind dypsnea in platinum holding left ventricular failure? Students: did n't reply Teachers: ( moves to concrete ) What causes dypsnea? Student: lung upset Teacher: What is incorrect with lung? Recommendations: Teachers must be cognizant of the different degree of inquiries. Teachers should be watchful to the importance of effectual schoolroom inquiry technique in advancing pupil apprehensions. Training plan should be conducted for instructors. Students should be trained and coached on how to react to higher order inquiries. Teachers should be cognizant that even higher order inquiries could be misused to fall in the low cognitive order. Teacher should see that each pupil does non larn in the same manner. Teachers should excite all the pupils to inquire and take part in the treatment. Teachers should do certain that appropriate waiting clip is given to reply the inquiries sing the degree of the inquiry. Teachers should inquire inquiries that encourage pupils to utilize schemes and critical thought accomplishments. Contemplation: Good inquiring technique improves the apprehension of the pupils and accordingly the result of the cognitive acquisition when the inquiries match the cognitive abilities of the pupils. Consequently larning and cognitive theories should be implemented in the schoolrooms. Furthermore, the consequence of this survey supports the recommendations of Gall that instructors do necessitate in-service and professional development programmed to better their inquiring accomplishments. Furthermore, the findings of Gall and Hussein are prevailing in the current survey. There are no indispensable alterations from 1970 boulder clay 2010. The research worker noticed that the inquiries were non distributed every bit among the pupils even a considerable portion of pupils were non engaged in the treatment particularly in DII. This could be due to hapless or unequal readying of the pupils, although it is the duty of the instructor to excite all the pupils. Furthermore, there was a noticeable job in the question-answer waiting clip ; for e.g. the instructor gave 15 seconds for a low cognitive inquiry whereas a high cognitive inquiry was given 12 seconds. The great majority of the inquiries were administered by the instructors and pupils were non encouraged to inquire inquiries. Restrictions of the survey It is worthy to advert that the range of this survey is limited to two instructors of nursing in one school in an educational zone. Some variables like instructor ‘s readying which influence the oppugning accomplishments were non measured. Students ‘ readying and inquiries were non measured besides.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Early Childhood Education Essay

I used my experience and expertise got as a Preschool Teacher and handled the responsibilities of Program Manager-Preschool with efficiency. I took the task of making plans for lessons each week. I also managed and coordinated the team of teachers and recorded my observation about children and teachers which would be presented to director in meeting. I also monitored and presented the needs of children and teachers namely childcare facilities, facilities needed for teachers to the management. Preschool Teacher, Playschool Center, Atlanta, May 2001-Jan 2002 Responsibilities: As Preschool Teacher I took the responsibility of teaching theoretical lessons, practical sessions of lessons taught, coordinating games and fun activities among children. I took the responsibility of teaching and executing children’s projects from conception to completion. I took care and educated of age from 1-6. I was responsible for not only making lesson plans abut also for managing the whole class allotted to me. I planned and organized variety of activities both for individuals and group activities namely play, dance, singing, games, arts and crafts which helped children to bring out their talents and improve their skills. Preschool Teacher, Jan 1999 – May 2001 Play Kids School, Atlanta Responsibilities: I used various fun activities, play and interactive activities to develop language and vocabulary among children. This approach of combining play and interactive activities made children to learn with ease, increased their interest and attention on academic learning, helped them to learn letter recognition, helped children to learn numbers, science and nature with ease and interest. Preschool Teacher, Dec 1996 – Jan 1999 Daycare Center, Atlanta Responsibilities: I took the responsibility of taking story telling sessions for children and there by helped the children to increase their vocabulary and creative thinking. I was also trained and made use of audio visual aid in my teaching to children and by this children could learn lessons interestingly with ease. I took care of each child individually and attended their problems in lessons and also coordinated with their parents to communicate about their children. Responsibilities: I worked as a Assistant Preschool Teacher with children of ages 2-7 years old. I assisted the team of Preschool Teachers with various teaching activities of children. I prepared the lessons given by Preschool Teachers for teaching. I also underwent training from Preschool Teachers to use various teaching methodologies and learnt the techniques of handlings different age group children effectively and efficiently. Education, as we all know is a lifelong process of learning. This important process starts in childhood. The first eight years of a child’s life greatly shape up rest of his life. More so, in the field of education, what a child learns in his first eight years has lifelong influence on his career and more importantly, his personality. Though, a number of new career avenues have opened up but to compete and to compete well, one needs to have good education background. In that context, role of preschool education is very crucial. The importance of early childhood education is manifested in the development of child’s emotional, physical, intelligence and social learning. The major roles in the development of these aspects are played by teachers and parents. The learning process begins when a child is born. But getting into a preschool opens up new vistas of learning. To get the maximum benefits from an early child development program offered by nursery schools or kindergartens, parents need to be involved in the process. According to psychological researches, a child learns at the fastest pace when he is between the age ranges of 0-6 years. Based on this premise, preschools design their course curriculums so that the process of child’s natural learning becomes more effective. But point to ponder here is, just following a scientific methodology of teaching will not serve the purpose. A child also needs soft touch, proper nutrition, care and love from everybody involved. In order to make an early child development program a success, schools need to devise well defined courses along with affection, proper treatment and due attention from the caregivers. Absence of these factors will make child lag behind in the course of life. In reality, different preschools have different types of course curriculum, each one based upon a certain theory. However, despite the presence of different theories in the course curriculum, one essential element is always present in all kindergartens and that is of catering to the individual needs of a child. It is very important to build the self-esteem of a child in best possible way. The role of play in early childhood education cannot be neglected. In fact, play helps in fostering so many wonderful qualities in the child. Team spirit, social behavior, understanding other children etc are some of the common benefits of a child education program. Preschools incorporate different types of interesting games in the course that helps in the personality development of a child. Childcare institutes prove extremely beneficial in the development of a child’s social skills and emotional intelligence. He learns to interact with others. He also discovers how best to interpret his emotions and that of others. The incorporation of these skills in a child’s personality plays a major role in the later stages of his life. Education programs offered by preschools are essential for the overall growth and development of children. They facilitate the learning process and help in building up bright new future of an entire generation. The Benefits of Early Childhood Education The writer of Proverbs 22:6 wrote: â€Å"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it†. Early Education has benefits that can follow well into adult hood. Early childhood education is the organized practice of educating those who are in early childhood. According to the NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children), early childhood spans the human life from birth to age eight (Early Childhood Education, para. 1). Before 1960, educating young children was primarily dealt with in the home. Today most children spend a large part of their day away from their parents. Most attend a center based program until kindergarten. Attendance at a center-based program is becoming the norm at ages three and four. In 1999, center-based program participation was 70% at age four and 45% at age three. This paper will focus on the importance of early education on children from infancy to age 4. Early education has been shown to increase benefits in academic achievement, delinquency, career success and economic growth. Early education has been shown to positively effect academic achievement. Most studies have resulted in a lifetime lasting increase in IQ by 5 IQ points. Multiple meta- analyses have been conducted and found that preschool education can raise acheivment test scores from the 30th percentile to the 50th percentile. A recent study proved that early education has significant lasting benefits on school progress (ie. Grade repetition, placement in special education and high school graduation rate). The Abecedarian study evaluated the effects of full day year round educational programs on children around four months to kindergarten entry. The study followed 111 children from the time they started the program through age 21. The program had a great effect on grade repetition and placement in special education, decreasing both by 23%. Both high school graduation rates and†¦ Outline for Writing an Expository Essay I. Introduction (Note: A-C are in one paragraph) A. Attention Getter: 1) a quotation 2) a fact or statistic 3) a rhetorical question that cannot be answered with a simple yes or no 4) a general observation about the topic at hand) B. Context (background information—name of the work, the author, and a very brief summary of the work) C. Thesis Sentence II. Body: Paragraph One Note: The transition and topic sentence may be in the same sentence, A. Transition:__________________________ B. Topic Sentence______________________ C. Concrete Detail D. Commentary (2-3 comments per CD)_ E. Concrete Detail F. Commentary (2-3 comments per CD)_ 111. Body: Paragraph Two Note: The transition and topic sentence may be in the same sentence. A. Transition:__________________________ B. Topic Sentence______________________ C. Concrete Detail D. Commentary (2-3 comments per CD)_ E. Concrete Detail F. Commentary (2-3 comments per CD)_ IV. Body: Paragraph Three Note: The transition and topic sentence may be in the same sentence. A. Transition: __________________________ B. Topic Sentence. __________________________ C. Concrete Detail__________________________ D. Commentary (2-3 comments per CD)__________________________ E. Concrete Detail__________________________ F. Commentary (2-3 comments per CD)__________________________ V. Conclusion Note: The transition and thesis may be in one sentence. A. Transition word or phrase:__________________ B. Restate thesis sentence __________________________ C. Summarize arguments/points (should only be one sentence) 1)___________________________________ 2)__________________________ 3)__________________________. D. Call to action/†So what? â€Å" Do any of the following things: 1) Explain why the topic is universal in its nature—how it affects the reader 2) Expand on the narrow topic to a more universal observation about life, history, literature, etc. 3) Motivate the reader to take a certain action or think in a certain manner. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________